- She's just landed herself a company directorship. 她刚在一家公司谋到一个主管的职位。
- He's just landed herself a company directorship. 他刚在一家公司谋到一个主管的职位。
- He's just landed a starring role in Spielberg's next movie. 他刚得到一个机会,在斯皮尔伯格执导的下一部电影里担任主角。
- A plane just landed on the interstate highway outside of town. 一架飞机刚刚降落在村外的州际高速公路上。
- Two passengers are chatting on a plane, which has just landed in Sydney. 两位旅客在一架刚降落在雪梨的飞机上聊天。
- A completely new and innovative game has just landed on the PocketPC platform. 一个全新的和创新的游戏刚刚降落在无忧平台。
- The rapper had just landed in London when he heard the news of his mother's passing and immediately flew to Los Angeles. 当听到他妈妈逝世的消息时,这位说唱歌手当时正在伦敦,他马上飞回洛杉机。
- One aircraft has just landed and reported strong wind shear on approach, please take caution. 一架飞机刚降落并报告,在进近过程中有强烈的风切变,请注意。
- I stand alone edge. In the rain, the Indus Durian leaves. Leaves fly like a butterfly just landed on my gray coat. 我独自一人站在那棵梧桐树边。在雨中,梧桐树叶飘飘洒洒。纷飞的树叶像一只只蝴蝶落在我灰色的外衣上。
- In an awed whispering voice the child answered, "The search team just landed the hello-copper. 孩子恐惧的小声说,“搜寻小组的直升机刚刚降落了。”
- The robotic Phoenix spacecraft that just landed on Mars in May recorded the above spectacular panorama. 这幅今年五月降落在火星的凤凰号无人太空船所记录的全景影像,可以作为你的参考。
- If you're a few years out of college and just landed your first “real” job, this is the car Audi wants you to buy. 如果你是几年的大学生和刚刚降落您的第一个“真正”的工作,这是奥迪汽车希望您能购买。
- Q.You are speaking now like a 16-year-old who has just landed his first F3 contract. 你现在说话口气就像个16岁的孩子,才刚刚签订了第一个F3的合同。
- Nations will hesitate to make trades with you if you're seen as an aggressor (this goes for all trades, not just land). 如果你看起来像一个侵略者,其他国家会对和你的交易感到犹豫不决。
- The scarcest resource for today’s business leaders is no longer just land, capital or human labor, and it certainly isn’t information. 对今天的企业领导人来说,最稀缺的资源不再只是土地、资金或劳动力,也当然不是信息。
- She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。
- Just landed. 刚下飞机。
- He has just turned professional. 他刚转为专业人员。
- Daytime is getting noticeably shorter day by day, just remember how curious and excited I was when I just landed on the city and got some actual feeling about Vancouver's lated night. 不过温哥华的白天在一点点变短,还记得我刚到这时的惊讶和好奇,第一次触摸这么长的白天,晚上10点才看到远处日落的霞光。现在是下午六点,天却似乎有意收回一些光亮了。
- He uses his loaf where you and I just muddle along. 他开动脑筋想办法,你我则糊里糊涂混日子。